Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hosanna in the highest

I LOVE palm Sunday. For several years this day has always sparked something in me. I remember hearing a preacher say that some of the people who were praising Jesus and waving the palm leaves are the same ones cursing him a week later. This breaks my heart, I imagine him looking into the eyes of those people praising him knowing that in a few days they would be yelling at him. I don't want him to look in my eyes and see doubt or lack of faith in my future. Our family is still in the waiting period right now and not sure where we are heading. And today and tomorrow I pick up my palm leave and proclaim Hosanna in the highest!

The church we visited today had the children come in at the end of service waving palm leaves and we sang Hosanna in the highest. I tried to get pictures on my phone but they didn't turn out but let me tell you they were precious!

We came home to a nap (or I did) then went to a park nearby. I can't handle her cuteness!
While we were walking Michael found this trail that went straight up the hill. As soon as savvy heard she started running straight up, running full speed and not looking back
and then she looked back... She might be scared of heights like her daddy. She made it down but at a very, very slow pace
they have started piggy back rides
and Cohen of course found more rocks for his collection. And I don't know what it is about his fingernails but they grow like a pregnant woman's. I have to cut them every week

When we got home we dyed eggs. This made me sad because I'm pretty sure that we have always dyed eggs at M.A.'s. She still has eggs that I dyed when I was Savvy's age. Savvy said we need to go outside because we go outside at M.A.'s. I didn't even know where to start, but we figured it out.

And then we will finish the post with pure joy

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