Saturday, February 20, 2010


Yes I woke up this morning with hives on my face and neck. Don't know what has caused it but I look horrible and itch, itch, itch! I'm about to take some more benadryl hopefully it will be gone tomorrow!
I was talking with my mom today about our "bucket list's" and here are a few of mine

Go to the Olympics
Go to the Kentucky Derby
Run a marathon
Have a baby naturally (crazy I know, but i always have)
See Celine in Vegas
Change somebodies life (for the good)

I have so many more but those are the ones on my mind tonight


  1. i wanna make a bucket the kentucky derby would definitely be on mine, so we just all need to make a girls trip out of it and go together! love you...hope your rash was better this morning!

  2. girl, you've already changed my life for the good! :) I can't imagine what my time in Memphis would have been like without you for a friend. I LOVE YOU!! :)
