Monday, December 3, 2012


So Michael is not one to jump on at all.  His style has not changed since middle school; flannels, jeans and boots that's him.  Don't try to sell him the latest and greatest whatever because he will pass.  But when he heard about No shave November a few years ago he jumped on board and never looked back.
 I was ready for December, he always looks cute but I was ready for the beard to be gone.  And Sunday morning he walked out like this...   No worries the mustache left this morning, but I'm sure will be reappearing for Mustache March, yes he likes it too
 I pulled out all of our Christmas books and got the kids the Veggie Tales Christmas DVDs

 and do you spot Nevalyn?  He forgot to move last night so I convinced the kids that someone must have accidentally touched him.
 For our kindness act today we brought our Sunday school teachers, helpers and directors cookies


  1. Love it! What will happen to your stocking holders next year though? There' going to be SIX! ;) Love you guys!!!

  2. And what about the White Christmas DVD?
